Hampstead United Methodist Church

15395 US Hwy 17 N., Hampstead, NC  28443  

Email:  office@hampsteadumc.org

January 17, 2025

Howdy friends!

This week our Sunday sermon will be focused on 1 Corinthians 12:1-12.   I came to the passage with an understanding that the Church in Corinth was a diverse, conflicted and sinful church.  John Wesley remarked


“How early did the mystery of iniquity work, and how powerfully, in the Church at Corinth!  Not only ‘schisms’ and ‘heresies,’ animosities, fierce and bitter contentions were among them, but open, actual sins;  yea, ‘such fornication as was not named among the heathens.’  Nay there was need to remind them that ‘neither adulterers, nor thieves, nor drunkards’ could ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’” (Sermon 61, “The Mystery of Iniquity”)


And yet, Paul’s letters to the Corinthians includes some of Paul’s most profound teachings concerning the unity of the church, the sacraments and the highest Christian grace – love.


With this background, the first thing that jumped out at me in this passage was verse 3. “…no one can say “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.”  There are a lot of people that confess Jesus as Lord and are sincere about it.  But, they don’t all believe the same things about what it means to live under that Lordship. And, their actions don't always correspond to my thoughts of how a Christian should act.  Believers have different ideas about many things.  That was true in Paul’s day and it’s true in our day.  So, what do we make of that?  What does it mean for us in our daily lives?  For Our church in 2025?  That’s where the sermon will go.  I’m not sure I’ll have a concrete answer for you, but I hope to give you something to think and pray about.  


See you Sunday!



Debbie Matthis






Methodism Study  We will resume our study on Thursday, January 23rd at 10:30 AM in room 9.


Called Charge Conference  January 26th at 5:00 PM in the sanctuary.  Our District Superintendent Tara Lain will be in attendance.  All church officers


Finance Committee  We will meet on Tuesday, January 28th at 5:30 PM in room 5/6.


Administrative Council We will meet on Tuesday, January 28th at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary.


HUMC Preschool Registration  Our Preschool will have open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year for their current Preschool families beginning January 21st.  Church member families can begin signing up on January 27th.  Enrollment for waitlist families begins January 29th and public registration will be open February 3rd. Contact the preschool office by email humcpreschool@hampsteadumc.org or call 910-270-3388.


Divorce Care This ministry will begin a 13 week session for those who are experiencing the pain of separation and/or divorce on Tuesday, January 28th in room 9 at 6:30 PM. Please register at://www.divorcecare.orgFind a Group/Event. Please contact Sylvia Waterston (swaterDivorceCare@outlook.com) for information.


Lovely Ladies Lunching   All ladies of the church are invited to resume the Lovely Ladies Lunching (LLL) monthly. Contact Nancy Davis if you are interested (call/text 609-805-5394, nancyd2855@gmail.com).


Lay Readers Needed  We are in need of volunteers to read during Sunday worship services. This is a great way to take part in Sunday’s worship service!  The script is provided early in the week, so there is ample time to prepare. We are especially in need at the 8:45 service.  If you are interested please see Pastor Debbie  (910-578-5905, Debbie.Matthis@nccumc.org).

Calendar of Events

January 19, 2025—January 26, 2025


8:45 AM    Worship Service

10:00 AM  Sunday School

11:00 AM  Worship Service

4:00 PM     Power Kids (FLC)

5:00 PM     Power Kids and Youth Meal (FLC)

6:00 PM     Jr./Sr. High Youth (FLC)


8:00 AM   ROMEOs  (HUMC Library)

6:00 PM   Cub Scouts Dens  (Rms. 2, 3, 5/6, Sanc, FLC)

7:00 PM   Boy Scouts (FLC)


9:00 AM  Prayer Team (Library)

11:30 AM  BLTs: Books, Lunch, Talk (Rm. 5/6)

7:00 PM   Al-Anon (FLC Rm. 1)


5:00 PM  Praise Band Rehearsal (Sanc)

6:30 PM  Bible Study Fellowship (Rms. 2, 5/6, 9,Sanc)

7:00 PM  Choir Practice (Sanc)


10:00 AM  “Romans—Good News Changes Everything” Bible Study (Rm. 5/6)

10:30 AM  Methodism Study (Rm.9)


8:45 AM    Worship Service

10:00 AM  Sunday School

11:00 AM  Worship Service

4:00 PM     Power Kids (FLC)

5:00 PM    Called Charge Conference (Sanc)

5:00 PM     Power Kids and Youth Meal (FLC)

6:00 PM     Jr./Sr. High Youth (FLC)

