Hampstead United Methodist Church

15395 US Hwy 17 N., Hampstead, NC  28443  

Email:  office@hampsteadumc.org

July 25, 2024

Howdy Friends!


Three Sunday’s under our belts together and three days of Vacation Bible School means I am loving Hampstead UMC!  As I write, it’s early Thursday morning and soon our Vacation Bible School volunteers will be arriving at the church for DAY 4 of SCUBA, getting ready for approximately 200 children who will show up to learn about all the ways that God is their friend.  Our church has been transformed into a watery wonderland by a team of dedicated volunteers.  Every day we are diving into friendship with God.  From station leaders to traffic directors to kitchen staff to crew leaders, there’s close to 80 volunteers who have made this happen and together they have put in hundreds of hours.  And it’s been crazy fun!  Visit our Facebook Page: Hampstead United Methodist Power Kids & Youth Fellowship, where you can view all of our pictures from the week.


We hope that some of the children and their families will worship with us this Sunday, July 28th.  We’ve planned the service around the children sharing about what they’ve been learning and leading the congregation in a few of the songs.  Sunday should be a great day!  


After worship we’ll be having a covered dish lunch so please bring a dish to share. 


The scripture text for Sunday will be Mark 9:30-37 and the sermon title is “How to Get Ahead in God’s Kingdom”.  I hope to see you there!  Don’t forget our summer schedule – one service at 10 am.


Grace and peace,

Pastor Debbie


A Note of Thanks




I would like to thank the congregation of HUMC for entrusting me with your financial assets for the past eight years. We have had some adventures along the way (Florence, Dorian, COVID, FLC build, and Main Building renovation)! It has been a privilege to serve you as Financial Secretary, and I thank you for the kindnesses that you have shown to me along the way. Many of you have asked if I (and Skip!) will be leaving the area after my retirement, and the answer is a resounding 'no'--Wilmington will always be home to us.


Now, I would like to introduce you to your new Financial Secretary, Stefanie Stark. Stefanie has a wealth of fundraising experience in the non-profit sector and holds a degree in Financial Management. She is the wife of a retired Marine officer. They have two young children and live among you in the Hampstead community. Stefanie has been training for the Financial Secretary position at HUMC since mid-June and will be able to assist you with your questions about the church finances and your personal giving. I have enjoyed getting acquainted with Stefanie, and I am really excited to be able to hand the reins to such a caring individual.


Stefanie's regular office hours will be 830-230 Mondays and Thursdays. It is always best to call first if you need to see her because (just like me), she will have to make those post office and bank runs. 


May God's blessings be on all of you, and I am sure we will continue to see each other at Walmart and Harris Teeter!


--Betsy Williams


Vacation Bible School News!


Please help us welcome our VBS friends & families by joining us next week! 

All VBS participants and families will be invited to join us for worship on Sunday, July 28th for a special service at 10:00 am followed by a covered dish luncheon. VBS children will sing one or two of their favorite songs and we will share a brief presentation to review some highlights from the week’s events. Hope you will join us and please bring a covered dish item to help us share in food and fellowship! We are excited about sharing and celebrating God’s greatness and love with many children over the coming week! 


If you are available, help is needed for VBS clean-up on Friday at 12:15. Pizza will be provided for all volunteers!  We could also use some additional help after the service and lunch on Sunday. Thank you all so much again for your outpouring of love and support this week.  VBS could not have been a success without the many hands, contributions, donations, and prayers!


VBS Reimbursement!  If you have items that you purchased for VBS for which you need to be reimbursed, please turn in your receipts along with a signed voucher form (forms may be found on the rack in the narthex) no later than Sunday, August 11. If you are unable to pick up a voucher form, we can email one to you (financialsec@hampsteadumc.org). Drop your receipts and completed voucher in the slot on the Finance door, or scan and email, or mail to the church via regular mail. We need to finalize expenditures for VBS as soon as possible. Thanks!


Office Notes

HUMC has three resources available for church announcements and information.  If you would like to submit something to be included in either of these publications, you may email the church office at office@hampsteadumc.org.

·        Bulletin announcements are due by Wednesdays at 12:00 PM.

·        Weekly Missive submissions are due by Thursdays at 10:00 AM

·        Monthly newsletter “Script Shores” articles are due by the 18th of each month, unless otherwise noted.

Submissions may also include community announcements/events that are part of non-profit organizations. 



    Worship Meeting  Wednesday, July 31st at 10:00 AM  in room 9.


United Methodist Men  We will meet Saturday, August 3rd at 8:00 AM in the FLC.


Fair With a Flair  Evangelism is coordinating a Hotdog Luncheon and Fair in our FLC following our one service on Sunday, August 25th, from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Luncheon will include ‘grilled’ hotdogs, trimmings, side dishes and desserts. ‘Fair’ tables will creatively represent each/all committees/missions/ministries in the life of our church. Volunteer committee member(s) will be offering new and established church members an opportunity to learn the functioning of that committee/mission and how to get involved. Contact Nancy Davis (609-805-5934; nancyd2855@gmail.com) for your committee/mission/ministry to be included at the fair. An organizational meeting with details, for all committee/mission/ministry members will be held following our one service on Sunday, August 4th, at 11:30 AM.


Blood Drive  The blood drive is fast approaching!  The Red Cross will be at HUMC on Monday, August 5th from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM.  Download the Blood Donor App or sign up at redcrossblood.org.  You may also contact Allison Williams (alleycwms@gmail.com) or Ruth Sheaffer (rsheaffer@hotmail.com) with questions.


Missions Ministry Meeting  Tuesday, August 6th at 10:00 AM in room 5/6.


HUMC Ice Cream Social  Our United Women in Faith (UWF) will hold their annual Ice Cream Social on August 6th, in the FLC at 7:00 PM.  Our speaker will be Leslie Stironek, missionary to Guatemala. Bring a friend and enjoy an evening with our speaker and ice cream with all the trimmings.


Meals on Wheels  Join us as we prepare meals on Friday, August 9th at 10:00 AM. Packaging and delivery is Saturday, August 10th beginning at 8:00 AM. Both take place in the FLC. This is a ministry that has a tremendous impact on our community!  All are welcome!


Divorce Care  Beginning September 3rd, HUMC will sponsor a ministry entitled “Divorce Care”.  This is a 13-week Christ-centered program for those who have experienced or are undergoing a divorce.  It is video based with group discussion and personal Bible study.  If you are interested you can contact coordinator Sylvia Waterston by email: (needleworkdisc@gmail.com), or register at www.divorcecare.org/findagroup. Classes will be held on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in room 9.


Fall Game-a-Rama!  Our United Women in Faith (UWF) are holding a Patriot Day Game-a-a Rama on Wednesday, September 11th, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the FLC.  Please join us for a fun filled event of food and games! Tickets are $15 per person.  Contact Twila Jones (910-270-9888) for tickets and more information!