Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 PM - ROOM 9
January 28, 2025 - april 22, 2028
DivorceCare is a 13 week Christ-centered program, founded in 1993. It is video based with group discussion and personal Bible study. DivorceCare.org website also has numerous resources which aid in healing and recovery, including a Single & Parenting course.
The videos feature
- teaching from over 50 leading Christian counselors, teachers, and pastors who speak on topics important to people in separation or divorce.
- real-life stories from people who have been through a marital breakup, as they share their pain, challenges and path to healing.
- topics which include anger, grief, loneliness, fear, former spouse and family relationships, finances, conflict, forgiveness, and single living
Even though DivorceCare is based upon Christian principles, people from all faiths, and even those who are not religious, have found hope and healing attending. The practical advice from counselors, pastors, and health-care professionals apply to anyone.
For information contact Sylvia Waterston at SwaterDivorceCare@Outlook.com.
For information or to register go to https://www.divorcecare.org/findagroup