children's Ministries


We believe that every human being is valuable as a child of God, and we believe that every child deserves a safe and supportive environment in which to grow.  Every member of our staff and any volunteer that works with children or youth have had background checks and safe sanctuary training.   We want to help nurture your child's relationship with God.  We work to create an environment where each child feels welcome, loved by God, encouraged by their teachers and accepted by one another.

Sunday School

PRE-K through 12th grade

Sunday School is provided at 10:00 am throughout the year.  Sunday School at Hampstead United Methodist Church is a fun experience where children learn that God loves them, all of the time and forever!  We achieve this through hands on bible explorations, crafts, games, music, and bible studies.  Currently, our Pre-K (Age 3-4) through 5th Grade meets in the main building's Pre-School Wing and our Youth (6th-12th Grade) meet in the 1st Classroom to the left of the Narthex. We love our children and believe they should be seen in church! 

Come and join us!

Nursery care

up to age 3

Nursery Care is provided during both of HUMC's Worship Services at 8:55 & 11:00 am, and during Sunday School at 10:00 am each Sunday morning. The nursery is conveniently located in the main building, in the front hallway, left of the sanctuary.  Nursery Care at Hampstead United Methodist Church is designed to provide a safe, enjoyable and loving environment in which infants and children (through age three) can interact.  Rest at ease knowing your child is with loving and nurturing people while you worship.

Power Kids

KINDERGARTEN through 5th Grade

Hampstead United Methodist Church's Power Kids Program is held on Sunday nights throughout the school year from 4-6pm.  Power Kids gives each child the chance to learn more about God in a most enjoyable way through, crafts, projects, devotions, journaling, games, and activities.  We believe that learning how to become more Christ-like should not be a chore; rather a character trait a child strives for.  Power Kids meetings include a small group devotion, weekly dinner, along with time for fellowship and fun!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jaime Alberti our Director of Children & Youth Ministries, at  For more info:
